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Contact & Billing Information


13 SW Wrenn Parkway, Greensburg, IN 47240

812-527-2943 FAX 812-827-2766

Lake Santee Regional Waste and Water District
13 SW Wrenn Parkway
Greensburg, IN 47240

(812) 527-2943
(812) 527-2766 Fax
(812) 560-1157 On-Call Maintenance After Hours

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 9am-4pm
Saturday & Sunday Closed

A drop box is available for after hours payments at the office.

Water and Sewer Fees

  • Utility customers with water and/or sewer service will receive a monthly bill. Example: Charges begin when the water and sewer connection is installed and the customer will receive the first billing the following month.
  • Water and Sewer billing is one month in arrears. Example: A water and sewer bill received in February reflects water and sewer usage in January.

Availability Fees

  • Property owners of a vacant Lake Santee lot or lots having no water and sewer connection will be invoiced for an availability fee two times annually. Example: Vacant lots or homes under construction that have not yet established a water and sewer connection.
  • Availability fees are billed the last business day of March and September for the following six month period. Lake Santee lot owners will receive an invoice for $42.36 two times per year.
    Per ORDINANCE NO. 11-17-2022.
  • A minimum monthly water and sewer fee of $132.55 will be charged to each service with a water and sewer connection regardless of the amount of water used beginning January 16, 2023.
    Per ORDINANCE NO. 11-17-2022.
January 16, 2023
Minimum water is:$61.00
Minimum sewer is:$67.28
Sales tax:$4.27

The bill is made of up five (5) components:

  • Water bond coverage (minimum payment)
  • Sewer bond coverage (minimum payment)
  • Water usage billed by the thousands of gallons used
  • Sewer usage billed by the thousands of gallons used
  • Sales tax on the water portion of the bill only
Flow Charge per 1,000 gallons
 January 16, 2023
Water:$ 4.01
Sewer:$ 5.22
Example: 2,500 gallons
 January 16, 2023
Water is:$ 71.03
Sewer is:$ 80.33
Sales Tax:$  4.97

Due Dates

  • Meters are read on the 15th of the month
  • Bills are mailed on the last business day of the month
  • Water bills are due on the 20th of the month
  • Late charges and disconnection notices are mailed on the 21st of the month
  • Water disconnections are on the 12th of the month

Disconnection of Service

  • Payments on past due accounts must be received by 12:00pm on the 12th of the month. Unpaid accounts will result in immediate disconnection of service.
  • Service will be restored as soon as reasonably possible following full payment up until 4:00pm on the date of disconnection.
  • Payments received after 4:00pm will have service restored the morning of the next business day.
  • Potential disconnections may be appealed to the Board of Trustees at a regularly scheduled meeting. Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 3:30pm in the Community Room.


  • Late Fee: 10%
  • Collection Fee: $ 15
  • Disconnection Fee: $ 45
  • Returned Check Fee: $ 30
  • Turn on/off – normal hours: $ 25
    after hours:   $ 35
  • Emergency Off – customer absent: $ 25
  • Termination / Reconnection Fee: $ 45

New Service Hook Ups


  • Connection without bore: 5/8" to 3/4" connection $1,500.00
  • Connection with bore: 5/8" to 3/4" connection $2,000.00


  • Total cost including connection fee, equipment, & labor estimated $10,000 to $13,000
    $4,000 deposit
office hours
Monday - Friday
9 AM - 4 PM
Closed - Closed
RWWD Online Payment