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July 15, 2021

Multiple Lot Assessment Rule Update

Thank you to the members who came to the July 14th POA Board Meeting to share their concerns regarding the Multiple Lot Assessment (MLA) change in the proposed By-Laws. As a result of that discussion, we were able to reach a compromise where the MLA language was added to the Rules and Regulations through the following emergency rule:

Rule 11.16 Multiple Lot Assessment: The amount of the assessment shall be 10% of the annual dues and assessments.

If the proposed By-Laws do not pass, this new rule will simply be redundant to the language in the By-Laws. If the proposed By-Laws do pass, this rule will dictate the percentage charged for multiple lots. If a future Board would like to change the MLA percentage, they will have follow our normal process for rule changes. This includes multiple readings of the rule, allowing member feedback and publication in our minutes in the Smoke Signals after each reading.

Here you will find the latest version of the proposed amended By-Laws. These were last amended at the special town hall meeting on June 30th, based on member feedback.

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